User manual for engineering software client
> Technical writing, editing
A startup engineering software company needed a user manual for their flagship product. I worked with the developers to make the highly technical content usable and accessible to a diverse range of users. My roles included writing, editing, layout & design, proofreading, and indexing.
One-way valve types
You can model three types of one-way valves. PRVs (pressure reducing valves), relief valves, and check valves. These valves perform different functions, but all have one thing in common: they only allow the fluid to flow in one direction.
A PRV is a device that controls the pressure in a pipe system. The PRV maintains a constant control pressure downstream of the junction as long as the upstream pressure exceeds the control pressure. . . .
A relief valve is a safety device designed into a pipe system. Relief valves typically have a "cracking pressure." The cracking pressure is that pressure at which the valve will open to relieve the pressure in the rest of the system. . . .
A check valve is a device that allows flow in only one direction. . .